Home Technology Tips for improving your video conferencing experience

Tips for improving your video conferencing experience

by Hannelore
book camera

Ever since the pandemic began, more ways to meet people without physical contact have been sought worldwide. It has also been discovered that one of the most effective ways to do this is videoconferencing. The virtual conference activity helps combat the challenges of restriction in movement and has since been used in business and learning.

With videoconferencing, everything is purely digital. For instance, there might be situations where you want to share information from a book that has no e-copy. In that case, doc cams offer the best way to scan book pages that are handwritten or printed to other individuals in the meeting. However, communication skills, getting the right camera and your appearance is equally as important in videoconferencing.

Here are pro tips on how to improve your videoconferencing experience

  1. Get hardware that would make work easier for you.

There is various equipment you can get for yourself that would make your videoconferencing experience quite splendid. This equipment such as a book scanner would come in handy when you need to share information from a handwritten book, save up your time and space.

A good camera is also important to improve your video clarity and camera angles. You know you want to look your best while you’re in a meeting!

  1. Don’t turn off your camera

This is something almost everyone, at some point in videoconferencing, is guilty of. People, except the visually impaired, rely on their eyes for sight. This is an important part of communication and social interaction. It’s frankly better to see a person while they’re I’m the meeting as it mimics a physical environment. Also, when you turn on that camera, you’d be encouraging other people to follow your lead.

  1. Improve your Audio quality

Instead of using your computer’s embedded microphone,(which can sometimes be bad) opt for a microphone you can put closer to your face to block out other sounds around you, and other people can hear you. As proper video etiquette, always turn off your mic or mute yourself whenever you’re not speaking.

  1. Prepare accordingly for every meeting

This is of great importance especially when you’re working from home. Your background should not be beside a window or source of bright light as this reduces the video quality and can be stressful for the others in the meeting. When next you have a meeting, cut all forms of distractions which include, eating while in a meeting, wearing inappropriate clothing, lighting problems, and staying away from a noisy environment.

  1. Make sure everything is working perfectly before any meeting

If you wait for the meeting to start and realize something goes wrong, you might not be able to fix it, and you get to miss out on the important parts of the meeting. Adequate preparation, however, helps you detect and fix faults on time.


There you have it, basic tips you can use that’d help improve your video conferencing experience. In summary, use equipment that would make your experience better, switch on your camera, and improve audio quality. Also, make sure you prepare ahead and prevent distractions. Put these tips into practice and you’d be amazed by the results.

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